The SPACE-SHIELD (Space Attacks and Countermeasures Engineering Shield) is an ATT&CK® like knowledge-base framework for Space Systems. It is a collection of adversary tactics and techniques, and a security tool applicable in the Space environment to strengthen the security level. It is composed by threats that are relevant for Space systems, leveraging the available and related literature. The Matrix is tailored on the Space Segment and communication links, and it does not address specific types of mission, maintaining a broad and general point of view.

This tool is addressed to Cyber and System security teams to complement Cyber Threat Intelligence for Space in projects like SCCoE and CSoC, and to teams involved in preliminary phases of projects to consider the security during the design.

For contributions and feedback, please reach us at, and have a look at the Contribute page.

This is a custom instance of the ATT&CK Website built from source code published by ATT&CK on GitHub.

Space Attacks and Countermeasures Engineering Shield (SPACE-SHIELD)

Reconnaissance Resource Development Initial Access Execution Persistence Privilege Escalation Defense Evasion Credential Access Discovery Lateral Movement Collection Command and Control Exfiltration Impact
6 techniques 4 techniques 5 techniques 3 techniques 4 techniques 2 techniques 4 techniques 4 techniques 4 techniques 4 techniques 2 techniques 3 techniques 5 techniques 12 techniques
Reconnaissance Resource Development Initial Access Execution Persistence Privilege Escalation Defense Evasion Credential Access Discovery Lateral Movement Collection Command and Control Exfiltration Impact
6 techniques 4 techniques 5 techniques 3 techniques 4 techniques 2 techniques 4 techniques 4 techniques 4 techniques 4 techniques 2 techniques 3 techniques 5 techniques 12 techniques